Reflector oven

A homemade reflector oven

A reflector oven prior to use
The oven set directly on hot coals

A reflector oven (sometimes known in older cooking literature as a tin kitchen [1]) or a Dutch oven, is a polished metal container designed to surround an article of food being baked over an open flame and reflect the heat back towards the food. In its simplest form, a reflector oven is simply a box or collar that partially surrounds the food, with an open side that faces the heat source, which is generally either a hearth fire or a portable stove, depending on the situation in which the food is being prepared.

A reflector oven that uses the Sun as its primary heat source is known as a solar cooker.

See also

A Reflector oven is set beside the fire to capture the radiant heat, and bake with it. It is often tin, new ones are made from aluminum. The picture with this article shows it being set directly on the coals.

dutch ovens are normally cast iron, with lids, and outdoor fire ones have legs. It is set directly on coals, with additional coals on the top.


  1. ^ Sloat, Caroline (ed.), Old Sturbridge Village Cookbook, 2ed, Old Saybrook, CT: Globe Pequot Press, 1995, ISBN 1564407284